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译林版 九年级英语上册Unit 8重点词汇短语句型(背诵版&默写版)

译林版 九年级英语上册Unit 8重点词汇短语句型(背诵版&默写版)-第1张-游戏相关-话依网

Unit 8 Detective stories

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit


1. missing adj. 缺少的;丢失的       

2. untidy adj. 不整洁的

3. guess vt. 猜,猜测

4. lie vi. 说谎


1. miss—missing(形容词)

2. true—truth(名词)

3. lie—lying(动词的­ing形式)—lied(过去式)—lied(过去分词)

4. tidy—untidy(反义词)


1. look_for_clues_to_something_important


2. go_missing 失踪

3. make_notes_on_sb. 对某人进行记录

4. tell_the_truth 说出真相

5. of_medium_height 中等身高

6. look_untidy_and_nervous



1. A detective is someone_who_looks_for clues to something_important.


2. They all say that they're not guilty.


3. He's an office worker of_medium_height.


4. He looks_untidy_and_nervous.




1. somewhere adv. 在某处

2. wound vt. 使……受伤

3. enemy n. 仇人,敌人,反对者

4. single adj. 单身的;单个的

5. suppose vt. 猜想,假定,料想

6. only adj. 仅有的,唯一的

7. report vt. 举报,报告

8. heavily adv. 沉重地;猛烈地


1. bleed—bled(过去式)—blood(名词)

2. enemy—enemies(复数形式)

3. witness—witnesses(复数形式)


1. the_scene_of_the_crime 犯罪现场

2. somewhere_else 别的某个地方

3. contact_sb. 联系某人

4. be_wounded_with_a_knife 受刀伤

5. bleed_to_death 流血而死

6. a_well­paid_job 一个高收入的工作

7. be_guilty_of… 犯有……罪

8. be_charged_with_doing_sth. 被指控做了某事

9. breathe_heavilybe_out_of_breath 气喘吁吁

10. offer_a_reward_for… 为……提供一笔奖金

11. the_arrest_of_sb. arrest_sb. 逮捕某人

12. against_the_law 违反法律


1. The victim was_wounded_with a knife and bled_to_death as a result.


2. However, according to the record, he was_guilty_of computer crimes in the past.


3. A witness reported that he was breathing_heavily and had blood on his shirt.


4. The victim's parents have offered_a_reward_of ¥50,000 for any information that leads to the_arrest_of_the_murderer.




1. couple n. 夫妇,一对

2. probably adv. 大概,或许

3. boss n. 老板,上司

4. hurry n. 急忙,匆忙


1. crime—criminal(形容词)

2. male—female(反义词)

3. commit—committed(过去式)—committed(过去分词)


1. an_elderly_couple 一对老夫妇

2. have_something_to_do_with_sth. 与某事有关

3. a_master_at_solving_crimes 破案高手

4. popular_among_teenagers 在青少年中流行

5. be_not_allowed_by_the_law 不被法律允许

6. commit_the_crime 犯罪

7. report_the_crime_to_the_police 向警方报案

8. be_in_a_hurry_to_do_sth. 急匆匆去做某事


1. It turned_out that he had_nothing_to_do_with this case.


2. He was in_a_hurry_to catch a bus!


Integrated skills & Study skills


1. wealth n. 财富

2. safety n. 安全,保险

3. lock vt. 锁

4. shut vt. 关上,封闭;合拢

5. guard vt. 守卫,保卫


1. kidnap—kidnapping(名词)—kidnapped(过去分词)

2. detective—detectives(复数形式)


1. no_criminal_record 没有犯罪记录

2. a_man_of_great_wealtha_wealthy_man 一个富有的男子

3. six_months_in_prison 在监狱中六个月

4. safety_tips 安全提示

5. protect_yourselves_against_crime


6. be_charged_with_theft 被控偷窃

7. guard_against_any_possible_danger_around_us



1. Can you think_of any safety_tips to protect yourselves against crime?


2. We should remember_to_lock_the_door when we leave home.


3. We'd_better shut all the windows too.


4. We shouldn't carry a lot of money with us.


5. We'd better not go out alone at night either.


6. I think we need to guard_against any possible danger around us.


Task & Self­assessment


steal vt. 偷,窃取


1. arrest—arrested(过去分词)

2. steal—stole(过去式)—stolen(过去分词)


1. get_along/on_with_sb. 与某人和睦相处

2. do_sth. _for_a_living=make a living by doing sth.


3. be_under_arrest_for… 因……而被捕

4. find_the_criminal 发现罪犯


1. Bruce gets_along_with all of his neighbours except the man who lives next door.


2. I'll have to check_these_for_fingerprints. 我得检查一下这些来提取指纹。

3. You're under_arrest_for murder. 你因谋杀被捕。

Unit 8 Detective Stories(单词默写版)

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 


1. ____________adj. 缺少的;丢失的

2. ____________adj. 不整洁的

3. ____________vt. 猜,猜测

4. _____________vi. 说谎

【单词变形】1. miss—____________(形容词)

2. true—_____________(名词)

3. lie—________(动词的­ing形式)—________(过去式) —____________(过去分词)

4. tidy—___________(反义词)


1. ______________寻找一些重要的线索

2. ______________失踪

3. ______________对某人进行记录

4. ______________说出真相

5. ______________中等身高

6. ___________看上去不整洁并且紧张不安的


1. A detective is _______ clues to ___________.侦探是寻找重要线索的人。

2. They all say that they're not _____________.他们都说他们无罪。

3. He's an office worker __________________.他是个中等身高的上班族。

4. He ______________.他看上去既邋遢又紧张。



1. ____________adv. 在某处

2. _____________vt. 使……受伤

3. _____________n. 仇人,敌人,反对者

4. _____________adj. 单身的;单个的

5. _____________vt. 猜想,假定,料想

6. _____________adj. 仅有的,唯一的

7. _____________vt. 举报,报告

8. _____________adv. 沉重地;猛烈地


1. bleed—_______(过去式)—_________(名词)

2. enemy—______________(复数形式)

3. witness—______________(复数形式)


1. _____________犯罪现场

2. ______________别的某个地方

3. ______________联系某人

4. ______________受刀伤

5. ______________流血而死

6. ______________一个高收入的工作

7. ______________犯有……罪

8. ______________被指控做了某事

9. ______________气喘吁吁

10. _____________为……提供一笔奖金

11. _____________逮捕某人

12. _____________违反法律


1. The victim ____ a knife and _____ as a result.受害人受刀伤,最终流血而死。

2. However, according to the record, he ______________ computer crimes in the past.然而,根据记录,他过去曾犯过电脑罪行。

3. A witness reported that he was ___________ and had blood on his shirt.一名证人报告说,他呼吸沉重,衬衫上有血迹。

4. The victim's parents have _______ ¥50,000 for any information that leads to _______.受害人的父母愿意出5万元人民币对提供线索抓获凶手的人给予奖励。 



1. ___________n. 夫妇,一对

2. ___________adv. 大概,或许

3. ____________n. 老板,上司

4. ____________n. 急忙,匆忙


1. crime—_____________(形容词)

2. male—______________(反义词)

3. commit—______(过去式)—______(过去分词)


1. ____________一对老夫妇

2. ____________与某事有关

3. ____________破案高手

4. ____________在青少年中流行

5. ____________不被法律允许

6. _____________犯罪

7. _____________向警方报案

8. _____________急匆匆去做某事


1. It __________ that he __________ this case.事实证明他和这个案子无关。

2. He was ___________________ catch a bus!他急着赶公共汽车!

Integrated skills & Study skills


1. _____________n. 财富

2. _____________n. 安全,保险

3. _____________vt. 锁

4. _____________vt. 关上,封闭;合拢

5. _____________vt. 守卫,保卫


1. kidnap—____________(名词)—_____________(过去分词)

2. detective—_____________(复数形式)


1. _____________没有犯罪记录

2. _____________一个富有的男子

3. _____________在监狱中六个月

4. _____________安全提示

5. _____________保护你们自己免受犯罪侵害

6. _____________被控偷窃

7. _____________提防我们周围任何可能的危险


1. Can you ____________ any ____________ to ____________ yourselves __________ crime?你们能想到保护自己免受犯罪侵害的安全提示吗?

2. We should _________ when we leave home.我们离家时应该记得锁门。

3. We____________ shut all the windows too.我们最好也关上所有的窗户。

4. We shouldn't ____ a lot of money ______ us.我们不应该随身带很多钱。

5. We'd better _______ go out alone at night ______.我们最好晚上也不要单独外出。

6. I think we need to ________ any possible danger around us.我认为我们需要警惕周围任何可能的危险。

Task & Self­assessment

【核心单词】_____________vt. 偷,窃取


1. arrest—___________(过去分词)

2. steal—______(过去式)—_______(过去分词)


1. _____________与某人和睦相处

2. _____________=make a living by doing sth. 以做某事谋生

3. _____________因……而被捕

4. _____________发现罪犯


1. Bruce __________ all of his neighbours ______________ the man who lives next door.布鲁斯和他所有的邻居都相处得很好,除了住在隔壁的那个人。

2. I'll have to ____________.


3. You're ____________ murder.

