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介绍一种水果 英语 5句话 带翻译

介绍一种水果 英语 5句话 带翻译-第1张-游戏相关-话依网

There is a delicious fruit called mango. It is sweet and juicy. Mango is rich in vitamins and minerals. It can be eaten fresh or used in smoothies and desserts. Mango is a popular tropical fruit around the world.(有一种美味的水果叫做芒果。它又甜又多汁。芒果富含维生素和矿物质。它可以新鲜食用,也可以用来制作冰沙和甜点。芒果是世界各地备受欢迎的热带水果。)

V2. 问: 秋天我们可以摘水果英语

答: In autumn, we can go fruit picking. It's a fun activity for families and friends. We can pick apples, pears, and grapes. The fresh air and beautiful scenery make the experience even more enjoyable.(秋天,我们可以去采摘水果。这是一项适合家人和朋友的有趣活动。我们可以采摘苹果、梨子和葡萄。清新的空气和美丽的风景使体验更加愉悦。)

V3. 问: 我喜欢秋天因为可以吃到美味的水果的英语

答: I love autumn because I can enjoy delicious fruits. The cool weather and abundance of fruits make autumn my favorite season. Eating fresh, juicy fruits is a delightful experience that I look forward to every year.(我喜欢秋天因为我可以享受美味的水果。凉爽的天气和丰富的水果使秋天成为我最喜欢的季节。吃新鲜多汁的水果是我每年都期待的愉快体验。)

V4. 问: 在秋天,天气凉爽,我们在农场看到许多种水果的英语怎么说

答: In autumn, the weather is cool, and we see many kinds of fruits at the farm. Apples, oranges, and pears are in season. The colorful fruits hanging from the trees create a picturesque scene that is worth capturing.(秋天,天气凉爽,我们在农场看到许多种水果。苹果、橙子和梨子正值旺季。树上挂着的五颜六色的水果营造出一幅值得记录的风景画。)

V5. 问: ...最喜欢的季节是秋天,因为我能吃到很多新鲜的水果。”翻译成美国的...

答: My favorite season is autumn because I can enjoy a lot of fresh fruits. The cool weather and the abundance of fruits make autumn an amazing time of the year. I look forward to picking and tasting the delicious fruits every year.(我最喜欢的季节是秋天,因为我可以享受到很多新鲜的水果。凉爽的天气和丰富的水果使秋天成为一年中令人惊叹的时光。我每年都期待着采摘和品尝这些美味的水果。)

V6. 问: 我喜欢秋天,这个季节很凉爽!而且能吃到好多水果!真是个美好的秋天!(用...

答: I love autumn. It's cool and I can enjoy a lot of fruits. It's truly a wonderful season!(我喜欢秋天。它凉爽,而且我可以享受到很多水果。真是个美好的季节!)